
I am trying to write to s3 bucket which is KMS Server-side encrypted with a spark job running on an emr cluster.

I am passing these configs with spark-submit command:


But I am getting this error:

com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: The encryption method specified is not supported

Writes are working fine for AES256 encryption but with KMS it is creating the issue.

  • EMR Version: emr-5.30.0,
  • Spark Version: 2.4.0,
  • Hadoop Version on EMR: 2.8.5,
  • Aws-Java-Sdk: 1.11.835

With this link, I got to know KMS Was not supported in Hadoop till Hadoop 3.0.0: Doesn't Spark/Hadoop support SSE-KMS encryption on AWS S3

I tried passing external jars of org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.0.0 with spark-submit command but still same error came up.

What am I missing here or doing wrong?


1 Answers


@Aayush Is it possible that you haven't specified the KMS key with fs.s3a.server-side-encryption.key ?

I am using s3 encryption with KMS keys just fine on hadoop 2.9.1 so it should work on 3.0 and likely also work on 2.8.5.