I am benchmarking a simple matrix transposition kernel on Qualcomm Adreno 630 GPU, and I am trying to see the impact of different work group size, but surprisingly, I get some interesting result which I cannot explain. Here is my kernel code:
__kernel void transpose(__global float *input, __global float *output, const int width, const int height)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
output[i*height + j] = input[j*width + i];
and the width and height are both 6400, the experiment results are(execution time is the difference between END and START event):
work group size execution time
x y
4 64 24ms
64 4 169ms
256 1 654ms
1 256 34ms
8 32 27ms
1 1024 375ms
1024 1 657ms
32 32 26ms
after this I did another experimemnt where I change the width and height from 6400 to 6401(and the global work size in NDRangeKernel call as well), and the result is even more interesing:
work group size execution time
x y
4 64 28ms
64 4 105ms
256 1 359ms
1 256 31ms
8 32 32ms
1 1024 99ms
1024 1 358ms
32 32 32ms
execution time of most scenarios drops significantly. I know memory coalescing or cache could play a role here, but I cannot completely explain this.