From aws doc :
An Availability Zone is represented by a Region code followed by a letter identifier; for example, us-east-1a. To ensure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones for a Region, we independently map Availability Zones to names for each AWS account. For example, the Availability Zone us-east-1a for your AWS account might not be the same location as us-east-1a for another AWS account.
To coordinate Availability Zones across accounts, you must use the AZ ID, which is a unique and consistent identifier for an Availability Zone. For example, use1-az1 is an AZ ID for the us-east-1 Region and it has the same location in every AWS account.
SO I have 2 accounts where I wanted to check this and I got the same output in both the accounts
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region us-west-2
"AvailabilityZones": [
"State": "available",
"ZoneName": "us-west-2a",
"Messages": [],
"ZoneId": "usw2-az1",
"RegionName": "us-west-2"
"State": "available",
"ZoneName": "us-west-2b",
"Messages": [],
"ZoneId": "usw2-az2",
"RegionName": "us-west-2"
"State": "available",
"ZoneName": "us-west-2c",
"Messages": [],
"ZoneId": "usw2-az3",
"RegionName": "us-west-2"
"State": "available",
"ZoneName": "us-west-2d",
"Messages": [],
"ZoneId": "usw2-az4",
"RegionName": "us-west-2"
So how do I verify if I create 2 resources in both accounts and chooses us-west-2a for both of them they are not created in the same location because both of them map to usw2-az1
I am sure I am missing something fundamental
Thanks Kumar