i use the Windows Ribbon Framework - the native component that ships with Windows (7).
Here's a super-short primer on the Windows Ribbon Framework from Delphi; copy-paste of important parts of code, without much explanation:
procedure TfrmTicketDetail.ShowScenicRibbon;
Fframework := UIRibbon.CoUIRibbonFramework.Create;
Fframework.Initialize(Self.Handle, Self); //Give the ribbon the hwnd, and our implementation of uiapplication for callbacks
OleCheck(Fframework.LoadUI(hInstance, 'APPLICATION_RIBBON'));
on e:Exception do
if DebugHook > 0 then
But it starts to get hairy, since you have to follow Microsoft's API.
function OnViewChanged(viewId: SYSUINT; typeID: UI_VIEWTYPE; const view: IUnknown;
verb: UI_VIEWVERB; uReasonCode: SYSINT): HResult; stdcall;
function OnCreateUICommand(commandId: SYSUINT; typeID: UI_COMMANDTYPE;
out commandHandler: IUICommandHandler): HResult; stdcall;
function OnDestroyUICommand(commandId: SYSUINT; typeID: UI_COMMANDTYPE;
const commandHandler: IUICommandHandler): HResult; stdcall;
And then you have to implement them:
function TfrmTicketDetail.OnViewChanged(viewId: SYSUINT;
typeID: UI_VIEWTYPE; const view: IUnknown; verb: UI_VIEWVERB;
uReasonCode: SYSINT): HResult;
cy: integer;
Result := S_OK;
//viewID: The ID for the view. Only a value of zero is valid.
if viewID <> 0 then
//typeID: The only declared typeID is UI_VIEWTYPE_RIBBON
if typeID <> UI_VIEWTYPE_RIBBON then
case verb of //there are only 4 verbs: create, destroy, size, error
{ The view was resized.
In the case of the Ribbon view, the application should call
GetHeight() to determine the height of the Ribbon.}
(view as IUIRibbon).GetHeight(cy);
bvTopSpacer.Height := cy;
{ The view was resized.
In the case of the Ribbon view, the application should call
GetHeight() to determine the height of the Ribbon.}
(view as IUIRibbon).GetHeight(cy);
bvTopSpacer.Height := cy;
Result := S_OK;
function TfrmTicketDetail.OnCreateUICommand(commandId: SYSUINT;
typeID: UI_COMMANDTYPE; out commandHandler: IUICommandHandler): HResult;
commandHandler := Self; //this form will handle all commands on the ribbon;
Result := S_OK;
function TfrmTicketDetail.OnDestroyUICommand(commandId: SYSUINT; typeID: UI_COMMANDTYPE;
const commandHandler: IUICommandHandler): HResult;
Result := E_NOTIMPL;
And then you also have to
Here's a dump of the ribbon xml i have for my app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Application xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2009/Ribbon">
<!-- Commands are like actions, with a name, a numeric ID, caption (LabelTitle), Large and Small images, etc -->
<Command Name="cmdNew" Id="0xE100" Symbol="ID_CMD_NEW" LabelTitle="New document" />
<Command Name="cmdSaveAs" Id="0xE102" Symbol="ID_CMD_SAVEAS" LabelTitle="Save as" />
<Command Name="cmdOpen" Id="0xE103" Symbol="ID_CMD_OPEN" LabelTitle="Open" />
<Command Name="cmdExit" Id="0xE104" Symbol="ID_CMD_EXIT" LabelTitle="Exit" />
<Command Name="cmdUndo" Id="0xE105" Symbol="ID_CMD_UNDO" LabelTitle="Undo" />
<Command Name="cmdCut" Id="0xE110" Symbol="ID_CMD_CUT" LabelTitle="Cut" />
<Command Name="cmdCopy" Id="0xE111" Symbol="ID_CMD_COPY" LabelTitle="Copy" />
<Command Name="cmdPaste" Id="0xE112" Symbol="ID_CMD_PASTE" LabelTitle="Paste" />
<Command Name="cmdDelete" Id="0xE113" Symbol="ID_CMD_DELETE" LabelTitle="Delete" />
<Command Name="cmdZoom" Id="0xE114" Symbol="ID_CMD_ZOOM" LabelTitle="Zoom" />
<Command Name="tabHome" LabelTitle="Home" />
<Command Name="grpActions" LabelTitle="Actions" />
<Command Name="cmdSaveAndClose" Id="1101" Symbol="ID_ACTION_SAVEANDCLOSE" LabelTitle="Save and Close">
<Command.TooltipTitle>Save and Close (Alt+S)</Command.TooltipTitle>
<Command.TooltipDescription>Saves the current ticket and closes the detail screen.</Command.TooltipDescription>
<Image Source="SaveAndClose.bmp" />
<Command Name="cmdBack" Id="1102" LabelTitle="Back" />
<Command Name="cmdControlPanel" Id="1103" LabelTitle="Control Panel" />
<Command Name="cmdSave" Id="1104" LabelTitle="Save" />
<Command Name="grpShow" Id="1201" LabelTitle="Show" />
<Command Name="cmdShowTicket" Id="1202" LabelTitle="Ticket" ></Command>
<Command Name="cmdShowDiaryEntries" Id="1203" LabelTitle="Diary Entries" >
<Image Source="PencilLog_32x32.bmp" />
<Command Name="cmdShowAttachments" Id="1204" LabelTitle="Attachments" />
<Command Name="cmdShowAuditLog" Id="1205" LabelTitle="Audit Log" />
<Command Name="cmdShowAdditional" Id="1206" LabelTitle="Additional" />
<Command Name="grpActivity" LabelTitle="Activity" />
<Command Name="cmdStartWorking" Id="1301" LabelTitle="Start Working"></Command>
<Command Name="cmdStopWorking" Id="1302" LabelTitle="Stop Working"></Command>
<Command Name="cmdPrint" Id="1303" LabelTitle="Print" >
<Image Source="Printer - 256x256.bmp" />
<Image Source="Printer_16x16.bmp" />
<Command Name="cmdDuplicateTicket" Id="1304" LabelTitle="Duplicate Ticket" >
<Image Source="DuplicateTicket16.bmp" />
<Command Name="grpTicketStatus" LabelTitle="Ticket Status" />
<Command Name="cmdCloseTicket" Id="1402" LabelTitle="Close Ticket" />
<Command Name="cmdOnHold" Id="1403" LabelTitle="On Hold" />
<Command Name="cmdReadyForInstall" Id="1404" LabelTitle="Ready for install" />
<Command Name="cmdReopenTicket" Id="1405" LabelTitle="Reopen Ticket" />
<!-- Above is all the commands (i.e. Actions). Now we get to the tool on screen (i.e. a DFM) -->
<!-- Items that appear under the "round button" menu -->
<ApplicationMenu CommandName="cmdFileMenu">
<Button CommandName="cmdNew" />
<Button CommandName="cmdOpen" />
<Button CommandName="cmdSave" />
<Button CommandName="cmdSaveAs" />
<Button CommandName="cmdExit" />
<!--What commands to add to the quick access toolbar
Right now only Save and Undo, just for fun-->
<Button CommandName="cmdSave" />
<Button CommandName="cmdUndo" />
<!-- And now finally the actual tabs -->
<!--Our one and only tab is "Home" -->
<Tab CommandName="tabHome">
<Scale Group="grpActions" Size="Medium"/>
<Scale Group="grpShow" Size="Medium"/>
<Scale Group="grpActivity" Size="Medium"/>
<Scale Group="grpTicketStatus" Size="Medium"/>
<Scale Group="grpActions" Size="Small"/>
<Scale Group="grpShow" Size="Small"/>
<Scale Group="grpActivity" Size="Small"/>
<Scale Group="grpTicketStatus" Size="Small"/>
<!-- Home\Actions -->
<Group CommandName="grpActions" SizeDefinition="FourButtons">
<Button CommandName="cmdSaveAndClose" />
<Button CommandName="cmdBack" />
<Button CommandName="cmdControlPanel" />
<Button CommandName="cmdSave" />
<!-- Home\Show group -->
<Group CommandName="grpShow" SizeDefinition="FiveButtons">
<ToggleButton CommandName="cmdShowTicket" />
<ToggleButton CommandName="cmdShowDiaryEntries" />
<ToggleButton CommandName="cmdShowAttachments" />
<ToggleButton CommandName="cmdShowAuditLog" />
<ToggleButton CommandName="cmdShowAdditional" />
<!-- Home\Activity group, with a custom sizing definition
so i get my "FourButtons-TwoBigTwoSmall" look -->
<Group CommandName="grpActivity" >
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button1"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button2"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button3"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button4"/>
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Large">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Medium">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Small">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
<Button CommandName="cmdStartWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdStopWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdPrint" />
<Button CommandName="cmdDuplicateTicket" />
<!-- Home\Ticket Status group -->
<Group CommandName="grpTicketStatus" SizeDefinition="FourButtons">
<Button CommandName="cmdCloseTicket" />
<Button CommandName="cmdOnHold" />
<Button CommandName="cmdReadyForInstall" />
<Button CommandName="cmdReopenTicket" />
<!-- End of the actual tabs -->