The matrix is only showing the rows if there is a result for that row. You might think: It's 0 so there is no result. But that's wrong: 0 is also a valid result. In order to remove the line, you have to make sure the result is empty, also known as NULL in databases and BLANK in DAX.
Since you didn't post the DAX of your measures, some suggestions:
- Remove the 0's in your source data. Not sure if you have access to the data, but you can replace the 0's with null/blank values in either PowerQuery or SQL.
- We can't see the source data (what does the data in the fact table look like?), but i'm guessing that's where the real 'problem' lies.
- Make an adjustment to the measure. Not the most beautiful solution, but it works. pseudo code:
VAR _Show = COUNT ( 'Fact'[ID] )
IF ( _Show = 0 , BLANK(), _Show)
But, again, we need more info about the data in your fact table and the measures you already created.
You already replaced BLANKS with 0, and set the 'Show items with no data' on. Then the measure above will do no good.
- Turn 'Show items with no data' off!
New measure:
(assumtion that DimStatus[Description] is on the column
# Count =
// Orginal Measure: Count Unique IDs
VAR __COUNTROSTER = DISTINCTCOUNT('FactJobClubOrientation'[RosterID])
// Second Measuse: Count Regardless of show or no show, to see if there was a session
VAR __COUNTALLROSTER = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('FactJobClubOrientation'[RosterID]), ALL('DimStatus'[Description]))
// If there was a sesssion, show the measure with 0 instead of blanks
Third suggestion:
You want to show all the location with 0, if there ar no shows. I've include an ISINSCOPE check for DimDate, to prevent it's showing 0 when collapsing the location.
# Count =
// Orginal Measure: Count Unique IDs
VAR __COUNTROSTER = DISTINCTCOUNT('FactJobClubOrientation'[RosterID])
// Second Measuse: Count Regardless of show or no show, to see if there was a session
VAR __COUNTALLROSTER = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('FactJobClubOrientation'[RosterID]), ALL('DimStatus'[Description]))
// Third: Show 0 for all locations, if there's no session.
VAR __NOROSTER = IF ( NOT ISINSCOPE('DimDate'[SessionDate]) , CALCULATE( 0 , ALL(DimLocation)))
// If there was a sesssion, show the measure with 0 instead of blanks