I'm working on a SPA with Vue. I'd like to update to a new service-worker when the user navigates to a specific page. A save moment to refresh, because the view of the user already changes (a pattern discussed in this video: https://youtu.be/cElAoxhQz6w)
I have an issue that sometimes (infrequently) the service-worker won't activate while calling skipWaiting. The call is made correctly, and even in Chrome I get a response that the current service-worker stops (see animated GIF), however it the same service-worker starts running again, instead of the waiting one.
After a while (1-2 minutes) the service-worker is suddenly activated. Not a situation you want, because it happens just out of the blue when the user might be in the middle of an activity.
Also when I am in this situation I can't activate the service-worker by calling skipWaiting (by doing multiple navigations) again. It's received by the service-worker but nothing happens. It stays in "waiting to activate". When I press skipWaiting in Chrome itself, it works.
I have no clue what goes wrong. Is this an issue with Chrome, workbox or something else?
Most close comes this topic: self.skipWaiting() not working in Service Worker
I use Vue.js, but I don't depend on the pwa plugin for the service-worker. I use the workbox webpack plugin.
I've edited the example code below, the minimal code probably didn't show the problem well
In main.js:
let sw = await navigator.serviceWorker.register("/service-worker.js", {
updateViaCache: "none",
let firstSw = false;
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("controllerchange", () => {
// no need to refresh when the first sw controls the page, we solve this with clientsClaim
// this makes sure when multiple-tabs are open all refresh
if (!firstSw) {
sw.onupdatefound = () => {
const installingWorker = sw.installing;
installingWorker.onstatechange = async () => {
console.log("installing worker state-change: " + installingWorker.state);
if (installingWorker.state === "installed") {
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
firstSw = false;
// set the waiting service-worker in the store
// so we can update it and refresh the page on navigation
await store.dispatch("setWaitingSW", sw.waiting);
} else {
console.log("First sw available");
firstSw = true;
In router.js:
// after navigation to specific routes we check for a waiting service-worker.
router.afterEach(async (to) => {
if (to.name == "specificpage") {
let waitingSw = store.getters["getWaitingSW"];
if (waitingSw) {
// clean the store, because we might have changed our data model
await store.dispatch("cleanLocalForage");
In service-worker.js:
self.addEventListener("message", event => {
if (event.data === "SKIP_WAITING") {
console.log("sw received skip waiting");