I am preparing a program which must use OpenMP parallelization. The program is supposed to compare two frames, inside of which both frames must be compared block by block, and OpenMP must be applied in two ways: one where frame work must be split across threads, and the other where the work must be split between the threads by a block level, finding the minimum cost of each comparison.
The main idea behind the skeleton of the code would look as follows:
int main() {
// code
for () {
for () {
// code
searchBlocks() {
for () {
for () {
getCost() {
for () {
for () {
// operations
Then, considering parallelization at a frame level, I can simply change the main nested loop to this
int main() {
// code
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) if (isFrame)
for () {
for () {
// code
Where threadNo
is specified upon running and isFrame
is obtained via a parameter to specify if frame level parallelization is needed. This works and the execution time of the program becomes shorter as the number of threads used becomes bigger. However, as I try block level parallelization, I attempted the following:
getCost() {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) if (isFrame)
for () {
for () {
// operations
I'm doing this in getCost()
considering that it is the innermost function where the comparison of each corresponding block happens, but as I do this the program takes really long to execute, so much so that if I were to run it without OpenMP support (so 1 single thread) against OpenMP support with 10 threads, the former would finish first.
Is there something that I'm not declaring right here? I'm setting the number of threads right before the nested loops of the main function, just like I had in frame level parallelization.
Please let me know if I need to explain this better, or what it is I could change in order to manage to run this parallelization successfully, and thanks to anyone who may provide help.