I want to control what languages are available for setup. I have defined myLanguage as:
; default is EN(glish) unless CMD parameter defined with /DmyLanguage="JA"
#ifndef myLanguage
#define myLanguage "EN"
I have this in Languages sections:
Name: JA; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Japanese.isl; LicenseFile: {#MyFolder}\eulajp.txt;
Name: EN; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl; LicenseFile: {#MyFolder}\eula.txt
Other sections I can control with: Languages: JA
like this:
Source: {#MyFolder}\manual_jp.chm; DestDir: {app}; DestName: manual.chm; Languages: JA
but this option is not available in Languages section.
How can I offer JA language selection only when myLanguage="JA"?