
When I run git gui on Mac Big Sur . This is what happen :

Mac OS X 10.100 or later required !
error: git-gui died of signal 6

I also install xcode 12 beta 3 and xcodebuild -version stays Xcode 11.6 .

How can I solve those problems ?

If one of these answers helped or is correct, can you mark it as such?Tyler A.

5 Answers


A variety of things I had to do to fix this:

Update tcl (not sure if this was required for git gui, but it was necessary for gitk):

 brew install tcl

Install git-gui directly:

brew install git-gui

Ensure macOS is using the correct git (assuming here that you have already installed a version from this decade):

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"

It's working again on macOS Big Sur 11.2 (20D64)

Just need to update your OS

Update: After a while, the issue happened again even after I update my macOS to 11.2.1 (20D74). But with a different message who said there is an unmatched exception "NSInternalInconsistencyException".

 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: CGRectContainsRect(CGRectMake((CGFloat)INT_MIN, (CGFloat)INT_MIN, (CGFloat)INT_MAX - (CGFloat)INT_MIN, (CGFloat)INT_MAX - (CGFloat)INT_MIN), frame)'

I fix it with:

git config --local --unset gui.geometry

that mentioned in this answer


I had a similar problem after the update, so I ran

brew install git

as a temporary solution.


Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1


I have the same problem and I have tried to fix it and finally, it works for me with these steps.


Make sure you have installed the last version of git

brew upgrade git

and after this, you may need to link the new version of git

brew link git

the last step update and link git-gui at this step I install git-gui from this command

brew install git-gui

then link it with this command

brew link git-gui