
I have a routing structure such as:

  path: '/post/'
  component: Post,
  children: [
      path: '/',
      component: Text,
      path: 'text/',
      component: Text,
      path: 'video/',
      component: Video,

The important thing is that the route /post/text/ is just an "alias" to the /post/ (root point in this case). Also the router configuration has the custom linkActiveClass option such as 'act' with some defined styles.

In the parent template I have the kind of tabs with router-link's:

    <router-link to="/post/text/">Text</router-link>
    <router-link to="/post/video/">Video</router-link>

So the question is: when going to the /post/ route it would be nice the Text tab to be marked as "active" with that 'act' class because it's just a duplicate of the /post/text/ (or vice versa).

I haven't found any mention of this in the Vue Router docs. How such problems are solved competently?

Thanks in advance!

Solution (TL;DR - currently unsupported, fixed in v4)

The easiest way to achieve this - to use route alias prop, like:

  path: 'text/',
  component: Text,
  alias: '/',

But, unfortunately, active-class doesn't work properly with aliases yet. It has been fixed in Vue Router v4.


3 Answers


You can do something like this

  <li :class="[currentPage.includes('/post/text/') ? 'activeClass' : 'no-active-class']">
    <router-link to="/post/text/">Text</router-link>
  <li :class="[currentPage.includes('/post/video/') ? 'activeClass' : 'no-active-class']">
    <router-link to="/post/video/">Video</router-link>

If your header or browser is a single component, you can include all this functionality in each of your links and it should work correctly.

NOTE: The variable with your current path will depend on the type of project and certain settings in it.


Use the Vuex state. When every pages go to the tab area are mounted, call a setter for currentPage state. And you can give an active class according to the state value

  <div :class="{ 'active': currentPage === 'Text'}">
  <router-link to="text">Text</router-link>></div>
  <div :class="{ 'active': currentPage === 'Video'}">
  <router-link to="video">Video</router-link>></div>


using exact-active-class solved a similar problem to yours.

docs: https://router.vuejs.org/api/#exact-active-class