I'm trying to use KMeans for clustering RGB colors and automatically count how many pixels of each group is present on an image. For that, I'm setting the initial position of centroids at positions I would like to categorize and running KMeans from sklearn.
The problem is, depending on the image, the algorithm output changes the order of the initial centroid vector, so when I count the number of elements, it goes to the wrong color.
This usually happens when I dont have one or more colors that are in initial centroids on the image. In this case, I would like it to count 0 instead.
Does anyone knows how to fix the order of initial centroids on the output of KMeans prediction?
Code bellow:
centroid_start = np.array([[0,0,0],#Black
[38,64,87], #Col1
[43,68,98], #Col2
[23,42,45], #Col3
[160, 62, 0],#Col3
[153, 82, 33], #Col5
[198, 130, 109], #Col6
[100,105,79], #Col7
[220,138, 22]#Col8
], np.float64)
image = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_HSV2RGB)
reshape=image.reshape((image.shape[0]*image.shape[1], 3))
cluster = KMeans(n_clusters =np.shape(centroid_start[0], init =centroid_start).fit(reshape)
pixels = Counter(cluster.labels_)
The problem is:when I check 'pixels' variable, 0 not always correspond to black, 1 not always correspond to Col1, etc.