Quick disclaimer, I am very new to gRPC and RPC in general, so please have patience
I have two gRPC servers running on the same java application, Service A
and Service B
Service A
creates multiple clients of Service B
which then synchronously makes calls to the various instances of Service B
The server
Service A
has a rpc call defined by the .proto
file as
rpc notifyPeers(NotifyPeersRequest) returns (NotifyPeersResponse);
the server side implementation,
public void notifyPeers(NotifyPeersRequest request, StreamObserver<NotifyPeersResponse> responseObserver) {
logger.debug("gRPC 'notifyPeers' request received");
String host = request.getHost();
for (PeerClient c : clients.values()) {
c.addPeer(host); // <---- this call
NotifyPeersResponse response = NotifyPeersResponse.newBuilder()
The list of peers, clients
are built up in previous rpc calls.
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(peer).usePlaintext().build();
ClientB client = new ClientB(channel);
clients.put(peer, client);
The client
rpc addPeer(AddPeerRequest) returns (AddPeerResponse);rpc addPeer(AddPeerRequest) returns (AddPeerResponse);
the server side implementation,
public void addPeer(AddPeerRequest addPeerRequest, StreamObserver<AddPeerResponse> responseObserver) {
logger.info("gRPC 'addPeer' request received");
boolean result = peer.addPeer(host);
AddPeerResponse response = AddPeerResponse.newBuilder()
the client side implementation,
public boolean addPeer(String host) {
AddPeerRequest request = AddPeerRequest.newBuilder().setHost(host).build();
logger.info("Sending 'addPeer' request");
AddPeerResponse response = blockingStub.addPeer(request);
return response.getResponse();
When I run this application, and an RPC is made to Service A
and the client connection is created that calls addPeer
, an ambiguous exception is thrown, io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN
which then causes the JVM to shut down. I have no idea how to fix this, or whether it is even possible to create an gRPC client connection within a gRPC server
for all of my gRPC server implementations I'm using blocking stubs.
I've pretty much hit a brick wall, so any information will be appreciated