I have a very simple grammar that looks like this:
grammar Testing;
a : d | b;
b : {_input.LT(1).equals("b")}? C;
d : {!_input.LT(1).equals("b")}? C;
C : .;
It parses one character from the input and checks whether the it's equal to the character b. If so, rule b is used, and if not, rule d is used.
However, the parse tree fails the expectation and parses everything using the first rule (rule d).
$ antlr Testing.g4
$ javac *.java
$ grun Testing a -trace (base)
enter a, LT(1)=c
enter d, LT(1)=c
consume [@0,0:0='c',<1>,1:0] rule d
exit d, LT(1)=
exit a, LT(1)=
$ grun Testing a -trace (base)
enter a, LT(1)=b
enter d, LT(1)=b
consume [@0,0:0='b',<1>,1:0] rule d
exit d, LT(1)=
exit a, LT(1)=
In both cases, rule d is used. However, since there is a guard on rule d, I expect rule d to fail when the first character is exactly 'b'.
Am I doing something wrong when using the semantic predicates?
(I need to use semantic predicates because I need to parse a language where keywords could be used as identifiers).
Reference: https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/blob/master/doc/predicates.md