I'm trying to build the famous "Game of Life" of Conway using Python and its library "pygame".
This is the Wikipedia page of the simulation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
Code: https://pastebin.com/kKGvshVK
(I post it also at the end of the question because the site told me i must put some code)
I created a long code that should do the following things in order:
- Initialize pygame library and window;
- The game is based on a 2D grid, composed by cell with the same size each;
- Create a class "Cell" that includes the attributes and features of every single cell; Fundamental is the "alive" attribute that determine whether the cell is alive (so in the screen is black) or dead (white);
- Create a function
that check wheter a cell from a list of cells is alive; - Create a second function
that gives in output the number of neighbours (using the Moore neighbourhood theory), usingcheckAlive
inside of it; - Cell initialization in a while loop;
- Main loop with event handler and the algorithm that should update the screen following the rules of the game of life.
Now, some technical things. I created the functions that determined the number of neighbours because I didn't understand (for sure) a simple algorithm (The moore algorithm) that should help me made this game. So the things is, i made this function from scratch and it is very long, and at the beginning of it there are multiple exception i made in order to consider when the cell which will be analyzed to determine the number of neighbours it's placed on the border of the screen or on a corner, etc. So please excuse me if this code it's a little messy.
Now, the problem is, I think I've succeded at initialize the cells, but, the cell s doesn't update, also there is no error. I think that inside the main loop it's happening something that blocks the flow, because the print function that should print "Algorithm succesful" doesn't show up, so there is a bug that I didn't understand. That's all, thank you for any answer!
#Conway Game of Life
import pygame
import random
success, failure = pygame.init()
screen_width = 800
screen_height = 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) #Init the screen
time = pygame.time.Clock() #Time from startup
FPS = 5
#Screen Area = 480000 px (width * height)
#Area of a cell = 100px --> 4800 Cell
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)#Live cell
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)#dead cell
class Cell:
""" x: x coordinate
y: y coordinate
size: width and height (same)
alive: int (boolean, 0 o 1), to track the status of a cell (live or dead), at the startup is random
def __init__(self, x, y, alive):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.size = 10 #it's a square
self.alive = alive
if self.alive == 1:
self.color = BLACK
elif self.alive == 0:
self.color = WHITE
#Function needed in the next function ------------------------------------------------
def checkAlive(cell, cellArray, curr_x, curr_y, counter):
""" Check wheter the current cell near the original cell is alive. If it is alive it adds 1 to the counter
cell: instance of the original cell
cellArray: cell list with all the initialized cells
curr_x: x coordinate of the cell which will be examined
curr_y: y coordinate of the cell which will be examined
counter: variable that is updated whenever a cell near to original has the "alive" attribute == 1
for current_cell in cellArray:
if (current_cell.x == curr_x and current_cell.y == curr_y):
if (current_cell.alive == 1):
counter += 1
#Function to find the neighbours of a cell ---------------------------------------------------
def neighbour(cells, cell):
"""Give as output the number of neighbours of a cell (only neighbours with the alive attribute = 1)
cells: List containing all the instances of the initialized cells
cell: The single instance of cell which will be examined to determine the number of live neighbours
return: number of live neighbours
num_neighbours = 0 #Number of near live cells(Moore neighbourhood)
x = cell.x
y = cell.y
#List of exceptions before the main algorithm
#Upper-left corner (x = 0, y = 0) !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
if (x == 0 and y == 0):
#Cell on the right -----------
current_x = 1
current_y = 0
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current ----------------------------------------
current_x = 1
current_y = 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below original cell
current_x = 0
current_y = 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#Upper-right corner (x = window, y = 0)!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!
elif (x == screen_width - cell.size and y == 0):
#Cell below -------------------------------------
current_x = screen_width - cell.size
current_y = 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current -----------------------------------
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of original
current_y = 0
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#Lower-left corner (x = 0, y = window) !*!*!*!**!*!!*!**!*!!**!*!*!*!*!*
elif(x == 0 and y == (screen_height - cell.size)):
#Cell over original ----------------------
current_x = 0
current_y = (screen_height - cell.size) - 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current ------------------------------------------
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current ---------------------------------------------
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#Lower right corner !*!*!*!*!*!!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!!*!*!*
elif (x == (screen_width - cell.size) and y == (screen_height - cell.size)):
#Cell to the left of original ------------------------------------------------
current_x = (screen_width - cell.size) - 1
current_y = screen_height - cell.size
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current -------------------------------------------------------
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#If the cell is in the first row (y = 0) (2 corners excluded) !*!*!*!*!*!!*!!*!*!*!*!
elif (y == 0 and (x != 0 and x != (screen_width - cell.size))):
#Cell to the right of original
current_x = x + 1
current_y = 0
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below original
current_x = x
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of original
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#If the cell is in the last row (y = screen_height) 2 corners excluded !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!!*!*
elif (y == (screen_height - cell.size) and (x != 0 and x != (screen_width - cell.size))):
#Cell to the left of original
current_x = x - 1
current_y = y
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Return the number of neighbours
return num_neighbours
#If the cell is in the first column (2 corners excluded) !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
elif (x == 0 and (y != 0 and y != (screen_height - cell.size))):
#Cell on top of original
current_x = x
current_y = y - 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
return num_neighbours
#If the cell is in the last column (x = screen width) !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!!**!!*
elif (x == (screen_width - cell.size) and (y != 0 and y != (screen_height - cell.size))):
#Cell below original
current_x = x
current_y = y + 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of current
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
return num_neighbours
#8 Neighbours
#Cell on top of original
current_x = x
current_y = y - 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the right of original
current_x += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell below current
current_y += 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell to the left of current
current_x -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
#Cell on top of current
current_y -= 1
checkAlive(cell, cells, current_x, current_y, num_neighbours)
return num_neighbours
cell_array = []
#Useful variable in the for loop
x = 0
y = 0
init = False #Become true when Initialization is completed
while not init:
is_alive = random.choices([0,1], weights = (95, 5), k=1)[0]#Randomly spawn cells with probability (Dead 95%, Alive 5 %)
cell = Cell(x, y, is_alive)#Single object
x += cell.size
if x == screen_width: #End of a row
x = 0
y += cell.size
if y == screen_height:#Last row
init = True
for cl in cell_array:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, cl.color, pygame.Rect(cl.x, cl.y, cl.size, cl.size))#Draw any single cell
pygame.display.flip() #To update the screen
print("Initialization Completed.")
done = False #Check whether the program should run
#Main loop
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #Exit button
done = True
#SIMULATION --------------------------------------------------------------------
#Run the algorithm of the game and update the screen (Moore algorithm)
for cell in cell_array:
if neighbour(cell_array, cell) in (2, 3): #2 or 3 live neighbours (survive)
cell.alive = 1
elif neighbour(cell_array, cell) < 2: #Few than 2 live neighbours (dies)
cell.alive = 0
elif neighbour(cell_array, cell) > 3: #More than 3 live neighbours (dies)
cell.alive = 0
elif ((cell.alive == 0) and (neighbour(cell_array, cell) == 3)): #Dead cell with 3 live neigh (live)
cell.alive == 1
print("Algorithm succesful.")
for cl in cell_array:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, cl.color, pygame.Rect(cl.x, cl.y, cl.size, cl.size))
print("Cell loaded to the screen")
pygame.display.flip() #To update the screen
function to about 10 lines, andcheckAlive()
to a single 1 line lookup. – Kingsley