I created and trained a custom visual recognition model on IBM Cloud. I want to connect it to my application which I am building using Flutter. I looked at the IBM API document reference below and everything worked well but it doesn't talk about connecting it to your application.
I tried using the flutter_ibm_watson package from pub.dev (the package is severely outdated and has many issues but I still tried it anyway). I plugged in my API key and URL but it didn't even output the result of the image from the classifiers. It just identified what the image was (e.g. skyscraper image returned 'skyscraper').
IamOptions options = await IamOptions(iamApiKey: "NRDjngCby2d-pSHOPyWQJxhuB6vOY2uOTCX6KV2BCfwB", url: "https://api.us-south.visual-recognition.watson.cloud.ibm.com/instances/ef286f4e-84c7-44e0-b63d-a6a49a142a30").build();
VisualRecognition visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(iamOptions: options, language: Language.ENGLISH); // Language.ENGLISH is language response
ClassifiedImages classifiedImages = await visualRecognition.classifyImageUrl("https://starindojaya.com/images/products/PAPER_CUP_PAPERCUP_2_OZ.jpg");
I also downloaded the CoreML file as stated in the API docs but am unsure of what to do with it. On the side note, I did get my application to connect to my custom visual recognition model through the StreamMyClassifier class in Flutter and it worked very well. However, I also wanted the "confidence" score as well in order to display to the user as well. I would appreciate it if you could help. Anything helps. Thanks.