for a course in informatics, it has been given to implement the Cholesky decomposition and to choose the best value for a KFold cross validation, for the LS solution. The problem is that when I try some values for the KFold, different from 2, I receive the error below, i.e. the dimensions of the two matrices don't match. The fact is that I can't reshape the matrices. Any idea? Thanks
# import libraries
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg
import os
import pickle
# functions definitions
def linearRegrFunction(n, D, low_D, high_D, W, sigma_noise):
X = np.zeros((n,D))
for i in range(0, D):
X[:,i] = np.random.uniform(low_D[i], high_D[i], size=n)
gauss_noise = np.random.normal(0, sigma_noise, size=(n,1))
Y =, W) + gauss_noise
return X, Y
def regularizedLSTrain(Xtr, Ytr, reg_par):
A = Xtr.T * Xtr + reg_par * len(Xtr) * np.identity(len(Xtr))
b = Xtr.T * Ytr
L = scipy.linalg.cholesky(A, lower=True, check_finite=True)
L_star = L.conj().T
y = np.divide(b, L, out=np.zeros_like(L), where=L!=0)
x = np.divide(y, L_star, out=np.zeros_like(L_star), where=L_star!=0)
return x
def calcError(Ypred, Ytrue):
return np.mean((Ypred-Ytrue)**2)
def regularizedLSTest(w, Xtest):
return, w)
# first part of main program
n = 100
D = 1
sigma_noise = 10
# w matrix, Aw = b
truew = np.array([1]).transpose()
truew.shape = (D,1)
low_D = np.array([-100])
high_D = np.array([100])
Xtr, Ytr = linearRegrFunction(n, D, low_D, high_D, truew, sigma_noise)
reg_par = 100
# estimated w
estw = regularizedLSTrain(Xtr, Ytr, reg_par)
Xte, Yte = linearRegrFunction(n, D, low_D, high_D, truew, sigma_noise)
# estimated error on the training and test set
test_err = regularizedLSTest(estw, Xte)
train_err = regularizedLSTest(estw, Xtr)
print("MSE on the test set "+str(test_err))
print("MSE on the training set "+str(train_err))
reg_pars = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,10000,50000,100000]
#reg_pars = [1000,10000]
#reg_pars = (70, 100, 1000, 10000)
#reg_pars = range(100, 100000, 100)
errs_tr = np.zeros(np.shape(reg_pars))
errs_te = np.zeros(np.shape(reg_pars))
for i in range(len(reg_pars)):
w = regularizedLSTrain(Xtr, Ytr, reg_pars[i])
Ypred_tr = regularizedLSTest(w, Xtr)
Ypred_te = regularizedLSTest(w, Xte)
errs_tr[i] = calcError(Ypred_tr, Ytr)
errs_te[i] = calcError(Ypred_te, Yte)
plt.plot(reg_pars, errs_te, '-o')
plt.plot(reg_pars, errs_tr, '-o')
plt.xlabel("Regularization parameter")
# definition of the function for the least square solution (cross validation)
def KFoldCVRLS(Xtr, Ytr, KF, regpar_list):
regpar_list = np.array(regpar_list)
num_regpar = regpar_list.size
n_tot = Xtr.shape[0]
n_val = int(np.ceil(n_tot/KF))
Tm = np.zeros(num_regpar)
Ts = np.zeros(num_regpar)
Vm = np.zeros(num_regpar)
Vs = np.zeros(num_regpar)
rand_idx = np.random.choice(n_tot, size=n_tot, replace=False)
for kdx, regpar in enumerate(regpar_list):
first = 0
for fold in range(KF):
flags = np.zeros(Xtr.shape[0])
X = Xtr[rand_idx[flags==0]]
Y = Ytr[rand_idx[flags==0]]
X_val = Xtr[rand_idx[flags==1]]
Y_val = Ytr[rand_idx[flags==1]]
currW = regularizedLSTrain(X, Y, regpar)
YpredTR = regularizedLSTest(currW, X)
trError = calcError(YpredTR, Y)
Tm[kdx] = Tm[kdx] + trError
Ts[kdx] = Ts[kdx] + trError ** 2
YpredVAL = regularizedLSTest(currW, X_val)
valError = calcError(YpredVAL, Y_val)
Vm[kdx] = Vm[kdx] + valError
Vs[kdx] = Vs[kdx] + valError ** 2
first = first+n_val
Tm = Tm / KF
Ts = Ts / KF - Tm ** 2
Vm = Vm / KF
Vs = Vs / KF - Vm ** 2
best_regpar_idx = np.argmin(Vm)
bestregpar = regpar_list[best_regpar_idx]
return bestregpar, Vm, Vs, Tm, Ts
# second part of "main"
KF = 10
bestregpar, Vm, Vs, Tm, Ts = KFoldCVRLS(Xtr, Ytr, KF, reg_pars)
plt.plot(reg_pars, Vm, '-o')
plt.plot(reg_pars, Tm, '-x')
plt.xlabel("Regularization parameter")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-050d1c546189> in <module>
1 KF = 10
----> 2 bestregpar, Vm, Vs, Tm, Ts = KFoldCVRLS(Xtr, Ytr, KF, reg_pars)
4 plt.plot(reg_pars, Vm, '-o')
5 plt.plot(reg_pars, Tm, '-x')
<ipython-input-10-3dbc5e035cda> in KFoldCVRLS(Xtr, Ytr, KF, regpar_list)
42 # Compute the validation error of the RLS regression for the given value of regpar
---> 43 YpredVAL = regularizedLSTest(currW, X_val)
44 valError = calcError(YpredVAL, Y_val)
45 Vm[kdx] = Vm[kdx] + valError
<ipython-input-5-3fb9cc618491> in regularizedLSTest(w, Xtest)
1 def regularizedLSTest(w, Xtest):
----> 2 return, w)
<__array_function__ internals> in dot(*args, **kwargs)
ValueError: shapes (1,10) and (90,90) not aligned: 10 (dim 1) != 90 (dim 0)