I've set up the 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC connections to Snowflake. When using the Get Data option in Power BI, I get a confirmation on login for both versions in the browser.
Your identity was confirmed and propagated to Snowflake ODBC driver. You can close this window now and go back where you started from.
I can see the view that I want to connect to and the data preview. When I select it, and click Load, it never finishes loading. Using the 32-bit ODBC connection, I also see a 400 Bad Request message in the browser. Using the 64-bit ODBC connection, I get several SAML windows (11 this time).
I also tried the Snowflake source, and I keep getting credential errors:
Details: "ODBC: ERROR [28000] Incorrect username or password was specified. ERROR [28000] Incorrect username or password was specified."
My IT group suggested I post on Stack Overflow. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards, Jenny