I have a Cloud Run service and a Compute Engine VM instance, both are in europe-north1 region. I would like to connect Cloud Run to Compute Engine VM Instance's internal IP address. For that I tried to create a 'Serverless VPC Access'. When I see the supported regions, there are europe-west[1-3] but not europe-north... And the documentation says that:
In the Region field, select a region for your connector. This must match the region of your serverless service
Does this mean that I cannot use Serverless VPC Access if my services are in europe-north1?
Nevertheless, I created the VPC in europe-west3, thinking that it is the closest one, with suggested IP range: However, when I go to CloudRun>service>Edit&Deploy New Revision>Connections tab, I don't get the VPC Connector listed in dropdown box. It has already been 30 mins that I created the connector. Does it take more time to appear?