I have this HTML pattern:
<div id="New"> == ajax loaded content == </div>
It was easy to render HTML at server side and use innerHTML to inject the content into the right place.
Now I am trying to use Vue.js to do the same thing but render HTML at the client side. I can make this pattern into a component, let's say componentA, with template:
It works if the HTML page content is something like:
<componentB></componentB> and some other none component content
The componentB is rendered and replaced the slot in componentA.
The problem is how do I use AJAX call (the call is made outside of componentA) to load
<componentB></componentB> and some other none component content
into the slot of componentA, and still make componentB to render correctly? In real situation, the content from AJAX call can be
<componentB>, <componentC>, <componentD> ...
The following will treat componentB as regular string
in HTML:
<div id="New"></div>
in JS:
document.getElementById('New').innerHTML =
'<componentB></componentB> And some other none component content';
Is there a proper way to render string from AJAX return with Vue syntax as Vue?