Learning to use Mnesia with Elixir, I created a table with multiple function (such as read, write...). One of them is to update a set of field (size from 1 to count - 1) without changing the rest of the data, and limiting the logic to the minimum inside the mnesia transaction.
During my search, I happen to find this : Erlang : Mnesia : Updating a single field value in a row though (code below). It is the same question but for Erlang, not for Elixir.
From what I understand, it works in Erlang as read returns a tuple which is directly set inside a record, which allows us to save specific data in the write action as they are named.
update_a(Tab, Key, Value) ->
fun() ->
[P] = mnesia:wread({Tab, Key}),
Where, for Elixir, Even though Records exist, it will just be a tuple where you can only change data in the index, and return the full tuple to the write action.
Table: {table_name, id, data1, data2, data3, data4}
changes = [{2, new_val_for_data1}, {4, new_val_for_data3}]
def handle_call({:update_and_read, table, {id, changes}}, _, state) do
{:atomic, new_object} =
:mnesia.transaction(fn ->
object =
:mnesia.wread({table, id})
|> List.first()
ret =
Enum.reduce(changes, object, fn {index, value}, acc ->
acc |> Tuple.delete_at(index) |> Tuple.insert_at(index, value)
{:reply, {:ok, new_object}, state}
Is it possible to have shorter function in Elixir (ideally, 2 lines like the one in Erlang) ?