
I am passing an object from my controller to my blade.php.file. From there I use object notation to get the variables from my object which leaves me with an array. I then am trying to pass that array of data from my blade.php file to my vue component. I want to pass the entire array not just one index of it. As of right now when I try to pass the array I get the error htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given which makes sense because I am passing an array (which is what I want). How do I successfully pass an array of data from laravel blade to VUE?

blade.php file

<div id="app">
       draggable-table="{{ $table->vars }}">

VUE component



    export default {
       props: ['draggableTable'],



As suggested to me I added a : and json_encode in my blade fole table like so: :draggable-table="{{json_encode($table->vars)}}"> But when I check my VUE console my component no longer shows and only root is shown with none of the array data passed in. (See photo)

enter image description here


I am trying to do this via axios now. I added this to my component within the <script> tags

            table: this.draggableTable
       methods: {
              axios.get(this.endpoint, {
                 table: this.table,
              }).then(res => {
              }).catch(err => {

computed: {
             return window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + '/users';


const app = new Vue({
  el: '#app'

So now how to I pass the data from blade to VUE?

Thank you.

<draggable :draggable-table="@json($table->vars)"></draggable> should work.Remul
@Remul I tried your solution as well but in my VUE browser console, only the root component appears with no data included.PA-GW
can you share the app.js or where you crea vue instance pleaseTEFO
@TEFO just posted it in my questionPA-GW
so you didnt register it locally in root instance. did you register this component globally?TEFO

2 Answers


you have to add : in prop, live below code.

<div id="app">
       :draggable-table="{{ json_encode($table->vars) }}">

You can just send it as a JSON object and then parse it either in Vue or when accepting it as a prop.

<div id="app">
       :draggable-table=JSON.parse({{ json_encode($table) }})>

Why would you need to pass data from Blade to Vue if you are using an API call in Vue? Data is already available to you.