I want to test the Azure Insights telemetry and for this purpose, I have created a new free Azure account and a new MVC Web App Application (Framework 4.7.2)
The App runs correctly.
After that, I tried to add the telemetry: project -> Add Application Insights telemetry
Following the wizard. I get the following error that I am not able to solve.
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at EnvDTE.SourceControl.CheckOutItem(String ItemName) at Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.VS.VisualStudio.Wrappers.VsSourceControlWrapper.d__4.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown
I tried to update the NuGet packages too. But nothing to do.
I have followed step by step the official Microsoft docs.
Some details for the installation process:
I'm having problems only with the .NET framework.
With .NET Core, anything works correctly.
Googling I didn't find any solution.