
I am fairly new in Azure and Terraform, and am trying to create a secret client for Azure Service Principal using Terraform. I am unable to figure this out.

This is what I have right now:

provider "azuread" {
  version = "=0.7.0"
  client_id = var.aws_client_id
  subscription_id = var.aws_subscription_id
  tenant_id = var.aws_tenant_id
  client_secret = var.aws_client_secret

# Create an application
resource "azuread_application" "app" {
  name = var.azurerd_app_name

# Create a service principal
resource "azuread_service_principal" "app" {
  application_id = azuread_application.app.application_id

This is what I was trying(Not very sure about it):

resource "random_string" "password" {
  length  = 32
  special = true

# Create Service Principal password
resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "app" {
  end_date             = "2299-12-30T23:00:00Z"                        # Forever
  service_principal_id = azuread_service_principal.app.id
  value                = random_string.password.result

This, obviously, doesn't work. This is not giving any error, but, no secret is visible on Azure console. Looks like this is for attaching some password to service principal but I am not very sure what it is doing.

Please let me know what could be done regarding this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


2 Answers


Actually, azuread_service_principal_password worked well, but the password did not show in the portal.

You could use azuread_application_password to manage a Password associated with an Application within Azure AD. see the NOTE, make sure the application have the permissions mentioned.


The client secret for the service principle created in your example will work. The client secret will have the value of random_string.password.result as you're assigning that to azuread_service_principal_password.app.value which is the client secret.

If you'd like to output the client secret to the console to see it, you can either create a terraform output:

output "client_secret" {
  value = random_string.password.result
  sensitive = false # Note that you might not want to print this in out in the console all the time

You can also ask whenever you wish for terraform to print out the value from its state:

$ terraform state show random_string.password.result