I am using VS2010's WPF Ribbon Application. Each RibbonGroup has a Header. Even If I leave the Header empty, the Ribbon will still reserve an empty space for the Header. How can I programmatically hide the header?
For instance, I have following Xaml:
<ribbon:RibbonTab x:Name="HelpTab"
Header="Help" FontSize="10">
<ribbon:RibbonGroup x:Name="HelpGroup"
Header="Help Group" FontFamily="Verdana" FontWeight="Bold">
<!-- ..... -->
I want to programmatically hide the part (header text and height space) marked by red rectangle.
I'm looking for a C# code behind solution where I could hide the text and the space (height) the header takes up all together, something such as below:
// of course, this doesn't work
HelpTab.HeaderStyle.Visibility = Visibility.Hide