Azure Data factory Copy Activity
Source: csv file Sink: cosmos db Operation: upsert
Copy activity fails with code '2200', some issue with id field, It was working find before few weeks
My csv file has a number column that I am using as id for cosmos documents, so i can update existing ones
Error details
'errorCode': '2200',
'message': 'ErrorCode=UserErrorDocumentDBWriteError,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Documents failed to import due to invalid documents which violate some of Cosmos DB constraints: 1) Document size shouldn't exceeds 2MB; 2) Document's 'id' property must be string if any, and must not include the following charaters: '/', '\\\\', '?', '#'; 3) Document's 'ttl' property must not be non-digital type if any.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.DocumentDbManagement,'',
'failureType': 'UserError',
'target': 'Copy_ToCosmosDB',
'details': []