
I run a small Kubernetes cluster on the managed Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) service. I didn't to any further changes, except from deploying three simple deployments. So I assumed that everything, including metrics, works out of the box. Unfortunately, when I filter for metric-server, I see a lot of errors in stackdriver that do not seem right.

Does somebody know where these are coming from, what impact they have and how to fix it (although I would assume Google needs to fix I, since I pay for GKE :D ).

Thanks in advance.

GKE Kubernets GCP logs

Hello. To be able to fully understand what is happening in your setup, please include information like: cluster version, what exactly have you deployed on the cluster. Also have you waited a bit for logs to be retrieved? Please have a look on this thread: github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/issues/…Dawid Kruk

1 Answers


Edit the metrics-server-deployment and add:

    - /metrics-server 
    - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP
    - --kubelet-insecure-tls

Note that this not a very good solution from security standpoint.