Right now I have a Discord bot that is in approximately 575 servers, and on the website I made it lists the current server count of the bot. Right now, my method is to log the bot in every 5 minutes on the express app for the webpage and save the current server count to be served to the client. This causes memory usage spikes whenever I have to log in though, and using a whole discord.js application for one function seems inefficient.
I tried using the Discord API endpoint, but that was extremely laggy because there is only an endpoint for listing all the servers, not just the count. The endpoint also can only send info on 100 servers at a time, so I'd have to make a lot of different requests.
I'm hoping that there's a way to do this that would use less memory but still be fast. I tried looking into discord.js's source code to see if I could just isolate the functionality I needed, but I wasn't able to even find where in the code the data is requested from Discord. If anyone is able to figure how I could do this, it would be greatly appreciated.