I am getting my dataProvider from which I try to remove some models that don't meet the wanted criteria. This filter is not SQL related and therefore I can't apply it directly to the query. On my view the pagination links are displayed if I leave the dataprovider just as it was. But after I apply the filters to remove the unwanted models, the pagination links disappear. I have tried setting the pagination on my new dataProvider but nothing works.
Here's my code in the controller action:
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$search_model = new StaffEmploymentListViewSearch();
$data_provider = $search_model->search($request->queryParams);
$models = $data_provider->models;
if($models[$k]->employ === null){
$config = [
'pageParam' => 'page',
'pageSizeParam' => 'per-page',
'forcePageParam' => true,
'route' => null,
'params' => null,
'urlManager' => null,
'validatePage' => true,
'totalCount' => 5214,
'defaultPageSize' => 20,
'pageSizeLimit' => [
'0' => 1,
'1' => 50
'pagesize' => 20
return $this->render('all-staff',[
'dataProvider' => $data_provider,
'searchModel' => $search_model
Here's my search method:
$query = StaffEmploymentListView::find()
// add conditions that should always apply here
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'sort' => false,
'pagination' => [
'pagesize' => 20,
How do I go about doing this?
? Can you provide your search method? – Serghei Leonencosearch
method. – Serghei LeonencopageSize
instaed ofpagesize
(capital letter S) – Anton Rybalko