
We are using Azure Devops 2019 (App and data tiers are on different servers),We have done a domain migration due to which we had to change Devops URL from https:\Devops.OldDomain.com to https:\Devops.NewDomain.com

Below are the steps followed

  1. Changed URL on IIS Devops Site and applied a third party certificate for https ( made sure certificates are added to trusted Root Cert)

  2. Changed Public URL (changed the url to new Devops Url) from Devops admin console ( verified the access point from tbl_AccessMapping and updated it to new url)

  3. Restarted the Devops server

Below are the issues identified

1)I have noticed build agents stopped working\offline and when I try to setup new agents, I see below "An error occurred while sending the request.Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit"

tried changing agent file to correct url (yet no luck)

2)When I launch Azure devops admin console I see below error

enter image description here

  1. When I try to add Devops url from visual studio (Visual studio is installed inside Devops server) I see below error "TF400324:Azure Devops services are not available from server, The underlying connection was closed"

Am I missing anything? I understand that some communication is missing between Application and Data tire, but I could not identify whats going wrong

It seems that your DevOps server can't connect to the database. Are you able to connect to target SQL Server database from DevOps server application tier machine? If the database is different, you may need to remap it: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/server/admin/backup/…starian chen-MSFT
Thanks for response, Everything seems working fine (like code commits, email alerts, creating new project collections etc) except build agents. We have self hosted agents on app tier and those agents stopped working post migrationVenkat
Are you able to setup a new agent on the same machine as your DevOps server? The errors should be save to the log file in _dialog folder.starian chen-MSFT
I have tried creating new agent, below is the log message from recent trial [2020-07-20 08:25:51Z ERR Terminal] WRITE ERROR: An error occurred: Not configured [2020-07-20 08:25:51Z ERR AgentProcess] System.InvalidOperationException: Not configured at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.LoadSettings() at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Agent.ExecuteCommand(CommandSettings command) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Program.MainAsync(IHostContext context, String[] args)Venkat
It is too simple, are there detail errors?starian chen-MSFT

1 Answers


Try to clear the following caches:

  • Clear TFS caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\x.0\Cache
  • Delete the contents of the Cache directory, including all subfolders.
  • Regarding VS, close all Visual Studio instances, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%.IdentityService.
  • Reset IIS by pressing Win+R, and input iisreset in the Run.