We are using Azure Devops 2019 (App and data tiers are on different servers),We have done a domain migration due to which we had to change Devops URL from https:\Devops.OldDomain.com to https:\Devops.NewDomain.com
Below are the steps followed
Changed URL on IIS Devops Site and applied a third party certificate for https ( made sure certificates are added to trusted Root Cert)
Changed Public URL (changed the url to new Devops Url) from Devops admin console ( verified the access point from tbl_AccessMapping and updated it to new url)
Restarted the Devops server
Below are the issues identified
1)I have noticed build agents stopped working\offline and when I try to setup new agents, I see below "An error occurred while sending the request.Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit"
tried changing agent file to correct url (yet no luck)
2)When I launch Azure devops admin console I see below error
- When I try to add Devops url from visual studio (Visual studio is installed inside Devops server) I see below error "TF400324:Azure Devops services are not available from server, The underlying connection was closed"
Am I missing anything? I understand that some communication is missing between Application and Data tire, but I could not identify whats going wrong