I have a weird issue, possible I am missing something. The web app is created as a container with default settings(Quickstart) and I am using Azure Container Registry to push my docker image. I have pipeline which logins to the ACR, build and pushes image, and then deploys the image to the web app. All these tasks are successful. But when I got to the webapp in azure portal, the image source is set to docker hub and not the Azure Container registry.The full inage name and tag are of the ACR. Any suggestion what I am missing?
Update: I have added the pipeline.yml file for reference, if it helps. I am logging in to registry while pushing docker image, I confirm that the image is push in the ACR.
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Login to QA Azure Container Registry
command: login
containerRegistry: $(azureSubscriptionContainer) #Docker Registry type Service connection
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
command: buildAndPush
repository: $(repository) #custom name of repository in ACR
tags: $(Build.BuildId)
- task: AzureRMWebAppDeployment@4
displayName: Azure App Service Deploy
appType: webAppContainer
ConnectedServiceName: $(azureSubscription) #ARM service connection
WebAppName: $(webApp)
DockerNamespace: $(dockerNameSpace) #ACR namespace myacr.azurecr.io
DockerRepository: $(repository) #custom name of repository in ACR
DockerImageTag: $(Build.BuildId)