I am trying to migrate a series of Trac projects originally hosted on CloudForge onto a new Bitnami virtual machine (debian with Trac stack installed).
The documentation on the Trac wiki regarding restoring from a backup is a little vague for me but suggests that I should be able to setup a new project
$ sudo trac-admin PROJECT_PATH initenv
stop the services from running
$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh stop
copy the snapshot from the backup into the new project path and restart the services
$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh start
and should be good to go.
Having done this (and worked through quite a few issues on the way) I have now got to the point where the browser page shows
Trac Error
TracError: Unable to check for upgrade of trac.db.api.DatabaseManager: TimeoutError: Unable to get database connection within 0 seconds. (OperationalError: unable to open database file)
When I setup the new project I note that I left the default (unedited) database string but I have no idea what database type was used for the original CloudForge Trac project i.e. is there an additional step to restore the database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Edit Just to add, the CloudForge was using Trac 0.12.5, new VM uses Trac 1.5.1. Not sure if this will be an issue?
Edit More investigation and I'm now pretty sure that the CloudForge snapshot is not an SQLite (or other) database file - it looks like maybe a query type response as it starts and ends with;