How can I change the text to copy link when the item being shared is a link
I am tried this but it does not work as expected
@objc(CustomUIActivity) class CustomUIActivity: UIActivity { private var url = NSURL() override class var activityCategory: UIActivity.Category { return .share } override var activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType? { return .customuiactivity } override var activityTitle: String? { return "Copy Link" } override var activityImage: UIImage? { return UIImage(named: "icon-copy") } override func canPerform(withActivityItems activityItems: [Any]) -> Bool { for activityItem in activityItems { if let _ = activityItem as? NSURL { return true } } return false } var textToShare: String? override func prepare(withActivityItems activityItems: [Any]) { for activityItem in activityItems { if let url = activityItem as? NSURL { self.url = url } } } override func perform() { // perform your custom activity UIPasteboard.general.string = url.absoluteString activityDidFinish(true) } } extension UIActivity.ActivityType { static let customuiactivity = UIActivity.ActivityType("com.productHunt.copyLink") }
Here I have attached screenshot what I have expected