
We have a mobile application and end users are authenticated via Firebase.

Current behaviour

  • While onboarding users, we register every user on Firebase with an email and a mobile phone.
  • Once the user is created on Firebase we the use the link generation API generateSignInWithEmailLink and send an email to the users.
  • Users click on the email from their mobile phone and it automatically launches the App.

Desired behaviour

  • Instead of sending an authentication link in the email, we would like to use the SMS token validation feature of Firebase
  • This is very easily down via a browser based application.
  • How do we implement such a feature that on Android/Ios?


  • We provide a custom backend HTTP end point which gets called by the user
  • From this backend, we instruct the Firebase Admin SDK to send a new SMS authentication token to the have any endpoint which allows the back end to send a SMS authentication token to the end user's mobile.

Is this possible? At first glance, I could not find anything in the documentation.




1 Answers


Firebase does not provide a generalized service for verification via SMS. You will have to find another service for that.