A few weeks ago, I was able to use the Azure CLI to create my Container Registry (ACR) and Kubernetes (AKS) cluster. I could push images to my ACR and have AKS pull images successfully - everything worked great. Every now and then, I would have to refresh my login with az acr login --name <acrName>
, but not a big deal.
Today, I found that when I go to deploy an updated image to my AKS cluster, I got a status of ImagePullBackOff
Failed to pull image "MY_ACR.azurecr.io/MY_IMAGE:v1": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://MY_ACR.azurecr.io/v2/MY_IMAGE/manifests/v1: unauthorized: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.
I couldn't remember what I needed to do to make this work, so I went through my original steps and created an entirely new resource group, ACR, AKS cluster, and service principal connecting them. I pushed images to my ACR and was able to apply my Kubernetes manifest, and everything worked again.
A couple hours later, when I applied an updated manifest, I again got the same error message. As part of my setup, I created a service principal:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment
az role assignment create --assignee <principal's appId> --scope <my ACR's id> --role Reader
I also used --role acrpull
. It seems like the authentication has timed out, and the documentation for Authenticate with an Azure container registry says that individual AD identities will time out after 3 hours, but even after running az acr login --name <acrName>
, I'm not able to fix the issue.
What are the required steps to get my AKS cluster to be able to authenticate again to my ACR?
I'll note that I also attached the ACR according to the documentation at Authenticate with Azure Container Registry from Azure Kubernetes Service by running:
az aks update -n cluster_name -g resource_group --attach-acr acr_name
I also tried using the ACR id instead of the name. After a minute or so, the command completed, and even a half hour+ later, I get the same permissions issue.
argument for the az aks create command ? – djslyaz aks update -n cluster_name -g resource_group --attach-acr acr_name
after the resources were already created. – user655321