I'm coming with a problem I cannot solve for a few days now. I have a data structure defining data disks, consisting of a list of maps per disk:
variable "data_disks_node" {
description = "Data disk configuration lun, size in gib, mountpoint"
default = [
lun = 0
size = 200
mount = "/opt/mount1"
lun = 1
size = 32
mount = "/opt/mount2"
I am using this structure to create data disks using a dynamic block and for_each (which is working great) but need to create a map of tags with values sourced from the same data structure.
I need to tag created resources with their configured data disks and mount points (don't ask, cant change that requirement) and need the following map result:
data_disk_tags = {
lun0 = "/opt/mount1"
lun1 = "/opt/mount2"
so not only do I need to create a map from the list of maps but also need to filter results, map one value as key and another value as value, and also need to prefix the new key with a string "lun". I'm at my wits end with this as I only worked here and there with Terraform and am unable to find any documented cases where this issue was solved. Terraform used is 0.12.20 if it matters. The closest (and it's not even close) that I came so far is this:
locals {
vm_joined_tags = merge(var.vm_tags, zipmap(flatten([for item in var.vm_data_disk_configuration : keys(item)]), flatten([for item in var.vm_data_disk_configuration : values(item)])))
which works but creates a map of only the first sourced map and key values like
lun = 1
size = 200
mount = "/opt/mount1"
with the second map not even present. I'm very grateful for any help or pointers towards a possible solution. Changing the data structure is possible but should be avoided if possible since other module code relies on it. Ff any further input is needed tell me and I will provide.