I'm dealing with a dataframe of dimension 4 million x 70. Most columns are numeric, and some are categorical, in addition to the occasional missing values. It is essential that the clustering is ran on all data points, and we look to produce around 400,000 clusters (so subsampling the dataset is not an option).
I have looked at using Gower's distance metric for mixed type data, but this produces a dissimilarity matrix of dimension 4 million x 4 million, which is just not feasible to work with since it has 10^13 elements. So, the method needs to avoid dissimilarity matrices entirely.
Ideally, we would use an agglomerative clustering method, since we want a large amount of clusters.
What would be a suitable method for this problem? I am struggling to find a method which meets all of these requirements, and I realise it's a big ask.
Plan B is to use a simple rules-based grouping method based on categorical variables alone, handpicking only a few variables to cluster on since we will suffer from the curse of dimensionality otherwise.