case 'mute':
            var person  = message.guild.member(message.mentions.users.first() || message.guild.roles.cache.find()(args[1]));
            if(!person) return message.reply("That player doesn't exist!");

            let mainrole = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "Verified");
            let role = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "Mute");

            if(!muterole) return message.reply("Couldn't find the mute role.");

            let time = args[2];

                return message.reply("Please didnt specify a time!");


            message.channel.send(`@${person.user.tag} has now been muted for ${ms(ms(time))}`)

                message.channel.send(`@${person.user.tag} has been unmuted!`)
            }, ms(time));

is my code.

TypeError: fn is not a function at Client. (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\index.js:64:112) at Client.emit (events.js:327:22) at MessageCreateAction.handle (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\actions\MessageCreate.js:31:14) at Object.module.exports [as MESSAGE_CREATE] (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\handlers\MESSAGE_CREATE.js:4:32) at WebSocketManager.handlePacket (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketManager.js:386:31) at WebSocketShard.onPacket (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketShard.js:436:22) at WebSocketShard.onMessage (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketShard.js:293:10) at WebSocket.onMessage (C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:125:16) at WebSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) PS C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser> node . aniGuesser Is Online. Bring the Cake! C:\Users\nippo\Desktop\aniGuesser\node_modules@discordjs\collection\dist\index.js:160 if (fn(val, key, this)) the error thingy.

I decided to start making a bot so my friends think im smart so i started watching a youtube series on how to configure these bots. In the process i decided to make a mute command cuz why not but then i got this error. before this i had "message.guild.roles.get" and the comments told me to change it to message.guild.roles.cache.find although that resolved my problem, i have this error now. btw even when i use the paste bin and only changing the words around it still has this error.

From the stack trace (the errors), it looks like on line 64 of your code you have a function called fn that wasn't defined before. What does that look like?Montgomery Watts
i dont understand what u mean by, a function called fn. I dont know if that means much but the only line changed was the ; at the of line 64, which did absolutely nothing.lovebeensippin
It seems like you're calling something called fn as if it were a function. That would look something like this fn(), similar to what you're doing when you call console.log(). The problem is coming from you calling fn without it actually being a function. Is fn defined earlier in your code?Montgomery Watts
When i get rid of .find and replace it with .get it says this: pastebin.com/tJh4Us0Ylovebeensippin
Could you please edit your question to include line 64? The code you have provided does not show where the error or fn came from.cherryblossom

1 Answers


Your problem is this: message.guild.roles.cache.find()(args[1]));.

First, find takes a function, (which causes the error shown).

Second, you're trying to call the value returned by find which would be a role and not a function find()(args[1]), but I assume this was a typo and you meant to use this to add a function.