Having difficulty using Saxon to transform multiple input files from hocr to alto xml (need an xml output for every input file) I’ve been able to transform one file at a time but get error message ‘Source file collection(‘file:\c:?select=*.(hocr)) does not exist’ when I try using collection() command for multiple files. So I know it’s an issue with the path I’m using but not sure what the correct use of the collection() should be in this case. Any help would be appreciated. The full command I’ve been trying is:
java -cp saxon-he-10.1.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -s:collection(‘file:///c:/?select=*.(hocr)) -xsl:hOCR-to-ALTO-master\hocr__alto2.0.xsl -o:SaxonHE10-1J
Also tried
java -cp saxon-he-10.1.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -s:collection(‘file:///c:/?select=_*.hocr) -xsl:hOCR-to-ALTO-master\hocr__alto2.0.xsl -o:SaxonHE10-1J