
I'm getting this error "Target class [App\Http\Controllers\OrderController] does not exist." when ever i run "php artisan route:list and I can't determine what or where is the problem in this code or I am just Dumb tho


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Order;
use Auth;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class OrderController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return response()->json(Order::with(['product'])->get(),200);

    public function deliverOrder(Order $order)
        $order->is_delivered = true;
        $status = $order->save();

        return response()->json([
            'status'    => $status,
            'data'      => $order,
            'message'   => $status ? 'Order Delivered!' : 'Error Delivering Order'

    public function store(Request $request)
        $order = Order::create([
            'product_id' => $request->product_id,
            'user_id' => Auth::id(),
            'quantity' => $request->quantity,
            'address' => $request->address

        return response()->json([
            'status' => (bool) $order,
            'data'   => $order,
            'message' => $order ? 'Order Created!' : 'Error Creating Order'

    public function show(Order $order)
        return response()->json($order,200);

    public function update(Request $request, Order $order)
        $status = $order->update(

        return response()->json([
            'status' => $status,
            'message' => $status ? 'Order Updated!' : 'Error Updating Order'

    public function destroy(Order $order)
        $status = $order->delete();

        return response()->json([
            'status' => $status,
            'message' => $status ? 'Order Deleted!' : 'Error Deleting Order'

here is my code from my order controller please help me and Thank you in advance for helping me

please put your web.php.Vikas Katariya
Is the controller surely in correct folder? Sometimes if you manually rename / move files, things gets mixed up. This shouldn't cause that error, but you might want also to use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; in OrderController.kaarto
try this command always after changing config files php artisan optimize:clearHamelraj

5 Answers


run below command

  php artisan config:cache 


 composer dump-autoload

after you ensue no spelling problem between controller and route, try one of these possible solutions:

  1. run php artisan config:cache
  2. run composer dump-autoload
  3. check your web.php routes and change the forward / slash to backward \

check this link it will help


check out the route. E.g. in my case I ve gotten similar error after setting the route in web.php . It had been written wrong:


Had its name wrong copypasted from controllers folder. After suggested playings with cache clearings saw that and removed the .php off its name and got it worked.


In laravel 8

In RouteServiceProvider uncomment

protected $namespace='App\\Http\\Controllers';

First check your directory your controller is in seperate folder in controler folder or it is in controller folder. If your Controller file is in new folder like Controller/YourFolder/Your file the you use in web.php route like below

Route::get('your url','YourFOlderName\COntrolername@methodname')->name('your route 

I hope its work fine