Unfortunately, there is built-in natural ways in MySQL to perform selective/exceptional tasks.
You could use below script(linux console bash script)
# Define the database and root authorization details
# Define the query to get the needed tables
table_list=$(mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" -se "select concat(table_schema,'.',table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$db_name' and table_name not like 'tbl1' AND table_name not like '\_\_%';" $db_name | cut -f1)
# Convert the query result into the array
table_arr=(${table_list//,/ })
# Declare the associative array of the users as username=>password pair
# e.g: declare -A user_list=(["'user1'"]="pass1" ["'user2'"]="pass2")
# In our case there is a single user
declare -A user_list=(["'aht_r'@'localhost'"]="Adhoctuts2018#")
for user in "${!user_list[@]}"
# Recreate user
mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" -se "drop user if exists $user; create user $user identified by '$pass';"
# Provide SELECT privilege
mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" -se "revoke all privileges, grant option from $user;" $db_name
mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" -se "grant usage on $db_name.* TO $user;" $db_name
for tbl in "${table_arr[@]}"; do
echo "grant select on $tbl TO $user"
mysql -h $db_host -u $db_user -p"$db_pass" -se "grant select on $tbl TO $user;" $db_name
If you have a windows console you could use the following .bat file:
%= Define the database and root authorization details =%
set db_host=
set db_name=adhoctuts
set db_user=adhoctuts
set db_pass=Adhoctuts2018#
mysql -h %db_host% -u %db_user% -p"%db_pass%" -se "select concat(table_schema,'.',table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='%db_name%' and table_name not like 'tbl1' AND table_name not like '\_\_%%';" %db_name% > tbls
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set user_cnt=2
set user[1]='Adhoctuts1'@'192.168.%%.%%'
set pass[1]=Adhoctuts1_2018#
set user[2]='Adhoctuts2'@'192.168.%%.%%'
set pass[2]=Adhoctuts2_2018#
set i=1
set user=!user[%i%]!
set pass=!pass[%i%]!
mysql -h %db_host% -u %db_user% -p"%db_pass%" -se "drop user if exists %user% ; create user %user% identified by '%pass%';"
mysql -h %db_host% -u %db_user% -p"%db_pass%" -se "revoke all privileges, grant option from %user%;" %db_name%
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("tbls") do (
mysql -h %db_host% -u %db_user% -p"%db_pass%" -se "grant select on %%a TO %user%;" %db_name%
if %i% equ %user_cnt% goto :end_loop
set /a i=%i%+1
goto loop
del /f tbls
First you write the query to get the list of the needed tables, next you define the list of users you want to grant access for. You need to execute the script every time the database structure changes. I have created separate short tutorial for MySQL selective/exceptional tasks.