Trying to authenticate to but cant seem to get it to work... Been trying few days now and getting really frustrated, any help? Their api docs @
Heres how to do it + sample code, Im stuck..
The authentication is based on the pairing of the API Key, along with the HMAC-SHA256 hash of the request parameters using the API Secret as the cryptographic key.
The algorithm for generating the HMAC-SHA256 signature is as follows:
If "params" exist in the request, sort the request parameter keys in ascending order.
Combine all the ordered parameter keys as key + value (no spaces, no delimiters). Let's call this the parameter string
Next, do the following: method + id + api_key + parameter string + nonce
Use HMAC-SHA256 to hash the above using the API Secret as the cryptographic key
Encode the output as a hex string -- this is your Digital Signature
import hmac
import hashlib
import json
import requests
import time
req = {
"id": 11,
"method": "private/get-order-detail",
"api_key": API_KEY,
"params": {
"order_id": "337843775021233500",
"nonce": int(time.time() * 1000)
# First ensure the params are alphabetically sorted by key
paramString = ""
if "params" in req:
for key in req['params']:
paramString += key
paramString += str(req['params'][key])
sigPayload = req['method'] + str(req['id']) + req['api_key'] + paramString + str(req['nonce'])
request['sig'] =
bytes(str(SECRET_KEY), 'utf-8'),
msg=bytes(sigPayload, 'utf-8'),