
I'm fairly new to DAX & PowerBI and I'm trying to wrap my head around how I can determine and calculate timeframes per day.

The Goal:

  • Get the minimum and maximum timestamps for each day in the data set
  • Calculate the time difference between the two in HH:MM
  • Created a calculated column to store the HH:MM result

So far I have found the following two DAX queries to work when creating a calculated column of the min and max timestamps:

CALCULATE(MIN('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),FILTER('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',FORMAT([Timestamp],"DD-MM-YYYY")=FORMAT(EARLIER([Timestamp]),"DD-MM-YYYY")))

CALCULATE(MAX('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),FILTER('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',FORMAT([Timestamp],"DD-MM-YYYY")=FORMAT(EARLIER([Timestamp]),"DD-MM-YYYY")))

However I am having a hard time trying to calculate and store the difference between the two results. I do not seem to be able to call the calculated columns when creating a new column to calculate, and when I have tried to combine them into the same column creation, the results are far from accurate.

Column = 
VAR firstscan =
    CALCULATE(MIN('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),FILTER('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',FORMAT([Timestamp],"DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM")=FORMAT(EARLIER([Timestamp]),"DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM")))
VAR lastscan =
    CALCULATE(MAX('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),FILTER('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',FORMAT([Timestamp],"DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM")=FORMAT(EARLIER([Timestamp]),"DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM")))

    CALCULATE(lastscan - firstscan)

I have tried with and without and HH:MM and the result still shows me in 1899 for every line. Any advice or pointers would be amazing!


1 Answers


I've managed to find a solution to this issue via the following;

Created a calculated table, which created a date and email for every distinct user, within the specified time range.

hoursWorked = 
GENERATE(CALENDAR(DATE(2020, 1, 1), DATE(2030, 12, 31)),  SUMMARIZE('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines', 'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Email]))

Created two calculated columns, one to get the first timestamp of the day for each user, and one for the last timestamp each day.

startTime = 
    MIN('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),
            'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',
            'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Email] = hoursWorked[Email] && FORMAT(hoursWorked[Date], "DD-MM-YYYY") = FORMAT('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp], "DD-MM-YYYY")

endTime = 
    MAX('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp]),
            'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines',
            'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Email] = hoursWorked[Email] && FORMAT(hoursWorked[Date], "DD-MM-YYYY") = FORMAT('Packing Jobs - Pick Lines'[Timestamp], "DD-MM-YYYY")

Finally I calculated a minute value for every day the user has timestamps, storing them all in a final calculated column called minutes.

minutes = 
DATEDIFF(hoursWorked[startTime], hoursWorked[endTime], MINUTE)

To map this with the data in 'Packing Jobs - Pick Lines' I created a relationship between the email field in both tables.

Hope this helps anyone else who may encounter the same issue!