
I just started learning react hooks and react-redux hooks and as far I understood everything. But one thing is keep drilling my brain, so I would like to ask more experienced developers here.

If I have more robust app, where I intend to have Redux taking care of whole state and wanna use React hooks fro side effects, do I really need React Hooks?

I have separate functional layer (containers => where all the decisions are being made with redux) and displaying layer (components => where components are dumb and obtain just data they are suppose to render)

Whats bugging me is I make a API call in initial page loading and I would like to use useEffect hook, but im not conviced I should do that when I can useSelector from redux and useDispatch.

here is the code I would like to update into hook style:

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    cities: state.weather.cities,

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  const fetchForUpdate = (cities) => {
    return cities.map((city) => {
      return dispatch({ type: FETCH_START, payload: city.name })

  return {
    fetchForUpdate: fetchForUpdate,

const WeatherListContainer = (props) => {
  const { cities } = props
  const cityData = cities.map((oneCity) => {
    return (

  return <WeatherList item={cityData} />

const enhance: Function = compose(
  connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps),
    componentDidMount() {
      console.log(this.props.cities, 'this.props.cities')

export default enhance(WeatherListContainer)

how can I fetch with redux hooks or react hooks? Or can I combine it? like use useEffect and then save it from local store to global store? Isnt it a bit ineffective?


2 Answers


Redux requires a middleware such as redux-thunk to dispatch asynchronous actions (an API call). If you plan on calling an API multiple times throughout your app, it makes sense to use redux-thunk and dispatch an asynchronous action, though this dispatch might still need to occur within useEffect/componentDidMount. If you only plan on a single API call, or if a specific side effect is unique to one component, there is no need to implement the middleware. For a single API call, you can send your request within useEffect/componentDidMount and then dispatch the result with a synchronous action to the redux store, without having to ever store it in component state.



I think there are some confusions. React hooks are used for sideEffects where redux hooks are for using the store more efficientl. Lets consider a scenario like bellow.

You are fetching a todo list from API and wanna use it all over the app. You have multiple components and you are gonna need the todo list in every component. In that case, you will call the api either using a middleware like redux-thunk or by other means like caling it in a useEffect( which is not a good practice) and save it to redux store using redux hooks. And whenever you redux store is updated, you will need to show the data in components. How will we do that? we will use react hooks to apply the sideEffects.

Here we will get the data from redux store using redux hooks. Than in a reactHooks like useEffect we will update a state of the component using useState. So here you can see, both reactHooks and reduxHooks are completely different in terms of functionality. one is storing and serving data which is reduxHooks and another one is showing the data when ever its added or updated which is reactHooks.

Hope you will find it understandable.