I feel a bit embarrassed asking this but I'm sure I'm missing something. Spent ages looking/researching but only come up with complex and convoluted solutions requiring subject or behavioursubjects or pipe through mergeMap, etc.
I'm moving from an imperative HTTP observable approach (subscribing manually) to a reactive HTTP observable approach (observable$ | async) in the component HTML template.
No problems getting it working with the async pipe when the page is initialised.
However, what is the best way to refresh the template "on the fly", i.e. I know that I've inserted a record into the underlying database and want this to be reflected in my template.
With the imperative approach I could simply subscribe again (from a click handler for example) and reassign the result to the property associated with the ngfor directive and change detection would fire and DOM updated.
The only solution I have come up with is to simply get the observable again from the service and this triggers change detection.
Just to make it clearer here is an exert of code (very simple just to focus on the solution).
There has to be a simple solution?
<div *ngIf="(model$ | async)?.length > 0" class="card mb-3 shadow">
<div class="card-header">Actions Notes</div>
<div class="card-body">
<mat-list *ngFor="let action of model$ | async">
<div class="small">
{{action.createdDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'}}
<button (click)="onClick()">name</button>
model$: Observable<any>;
private changeTransferActionsService: ChangeTransferActionsService
) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
private getObservable(): void {
this.model$ = this.changeTransferActionsService
map((x) => x.result),
onClick(): void {
//insert row into database here (via HTTP post service call)
Just following up on my original question, here are three working solutions with explanations. Thanks to everybody that has responded.
Solution 1 - BehaviourSubject / SwitchMap
Use an RxJS BehaviorSubject
with an arbitrary type value and initial value. Combine this with a higher order observable using flattening operator SwitchMap
When the button is clicked the BehaviourSubject
emits (next) a value (0 in this case), which is fed to the HTTP observable (passed value ignored) thus causing the inner observable to emit a value and change detection kicks in.
As a BehaviourSubject is used the observable emits a value on subscription.
In the component HTML template.
<button (click)="onClick()">Click Me</button>
In the component Typescript.
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
subject = new BehaviorSubject(0);
this.model$ = this.subject.asObservable().pipe(
// startWith(0),
switchMap(() => this.changeTransferActionsService
map((x) => x.result)
onClick(): void {
Solution 2 - Subject / SwitchMap / initialValue
Use an RxJS Subject
Combine this with a higher order observable using flattening operator SwitchMap
When the button is clicked the Subject
emits (next) a value (undefined in this case), which is fed to the HTTP observable (passed value ignored) thus causing the inner observable to emit a value and change detection kicks in.
The Subject requires a startWith(0)
otherwise the observable won't emit any values when the component is first initialised and first subscribed to by async pipe.
import {Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
subject = new Subject();
this.model$ = this.subject.asObservable().pipe(
switchMap(() => this.changeTransferActionsService
map((x) => x.result)
onClick(): void {
<button (click)="onClick()">Click Me</button>
Note that in both cases above the next method on the subject could have been invoked directly in the HTML component template thus had the subject had a public access modifier (the default anyway). This would have negated the need to have an onCLick method in the Typescript.
<button (click)="subject.next(0)">Click Me</button>
Solution 3 - fromEvent
As suggested by hanan
Add a template variable name to the button and use @ViewChild
to get element reference. Create an RxJS observable using fromEvent
and then use switchMap
higher order observable approach.
@ViewChild('refreshButton') refreshButton: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
const click$ = fromEvent(this.refreshButton.nativeElement, 'click');
this.model$ = click$.pipe(
switchMap(_ => {
return this.changeTransferActionsService
map((x) => x.result),
<button #refreshButton>Click Me</button>
In conclusion, solution 3 makes the most sense if a refresh is to be kicked off at will by the user via a click as it hasn't necessitated the need to introduce a "dummy" subject.
However, the subject approach makes sense of if the observable should emit programmatically from anywhere...by simply calling the next method on the subject the observable can emit values on command.
You know, there is much more to this topic and a truly reactive approach may start off your thinking process about using shared injectable singleton services and subscriptions based around subjects/behavioursubjects/asyncsubjects and so on. These are architectural and design decisions though. Thanks for all your suggestions.