I've been trying to parse the following json file (and others like it) to check if the 'Addresses' data contains an [Address][Type] = 'Constituency' (or if [Address][Postcode] has a value - similar problem).
I've tried using the filter function on it, but haven't been able to get anything close to work (and have searched hear for answers and come up blank). I've tried using vanilla javascript and jquery (I'm a beginner at both). Any suggestions?
JSON data sample 1: Has constituency address ...
"Members": {
"script": {
"-id": "krispX",
"-type": "text/javascript"
"Member": {
"-Member_Id": "199",
"-Dods_Id": "25747",
"-Pims_Id": "2358",
"-Clerks_Id": "77",
"DisplayAs": "Mr abc def",
"ListAs": "def, Ms abc",
"FullTitle": "Mr abc def MP",
"DateOfBirth": "1968-08-30T00:00:00",
"DateOfDeath": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"Gender": "M",
"Party": {
"-Id": "15",
"#text": "My party"
"House": "Commons",
"MemberFrom": "Westminster East",
"HouseStartDate": "1997-05-01T00:00:00",
"HouseEndDate": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"CurrentStatus": {
"-Id": "0",
"-IsActive": "True",
"Name": "Current Member",
"StartDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00"
"Addresses": {
"Address": [
"-Type_Id": "6",
"Type": "Website",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "http://www.abcdef.org.uk/"
"-Type_Id": "4",
"Type": "Constituency",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "True",
"Address1": "My party",
"Address2": "123 qwe rty",
"Address5": "London",
"Postcode": "W10 1DZ",
"Phone": "123 456 7890",
"Fax": "098 765 4321",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"-Type_Id": "1",
"Type": "Parliamentary",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "True",
"Address1": "House of Commons",
"Address5": "London",
"Postcode": "SW1A 0AA",
"Phone": "123 456 7890",
"Fax": "987 654 3210",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"-Type_Id": "7",
"Type": "Twitter",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "https://twitter.com/qwerty"
JSON data sample 2: MISSING constituency address but has postcode ...
"Members": {
"script": {
"-id": "krispX",
"-type": "text/javascript"
"Member": {
"-Member_Id": "199",
"-Dods_Id": "25747",
"-Pims_Id": "2358",
"-Clerks_Id": "77",
"DisplayAs": "Mr abc def",
"ListAs": "def, Ms abc",
"FullTitle": "Mr abc def MP",
"DateOfBirth": "1968-08-30T00:00:00",
"DateOfDeath": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"Gender": "M",
"Party": {
"-Id": "15",
"#text": "My party"
"House": "Commons",
"MemberFrom": "Westminster East",
"HouseStartDate": "1997-05-01T00:00:00",
"HouseEndDate": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"CurrentStatus": {
"-Id": "0",
"-IsActive": "True",
"Name": "Current Member",
"StartDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00"
"Addresses": {
"Address": [
"-Type_Id": "6",
"Type": "Website",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "http://www.abcdef.org.uk/"
"-Type_Id": "1",
"Type": "Parliamentary",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "True",
"Address1": "House of Commons",
"Address5": "London",
"Postcode": "SW1A 0AA",
"Phone": "123 456 7890",
"Fax": "987 654 3210",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"-Type_Id": "7",
"Type": "Twitter",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "https://twitter.com/qwerty"
Added: JSON data sample 3: Has constituency but has missing postcode (= no postal address) ...
"Members": {
"script": {
"-id": "krispX",
"-type": "text/javascript"
"Member": {
"-Member_Id": "199",
"-Dods_Id": "25747",
"-Pims_Id": "2358",
"-Clerks_Id": "77",
"DisplayAs": "Mr abc def",
"ListAs": "def, Ms abc",
"FullTitle": "Mr abc def MP",
"DateOfBirth": "1968-08-30T00:00:00",
"DateOfDeath": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"Gender": "M",
"Party": {
"-Id": "15",
"#text": "My party"
"House": "Commons",
"MemberFrom": "Westminster East",
"HouseStartDate": "1997-05-01T00:00:00",
"HouseEndDate": {
"-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"-xsi:nil": "true"
"CurrentStatus": {
"-Id": "0",
"-IsActive": "True",
"Name": "Current Member",
"StartDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00"
"Addresses": {
"Address": [
"-Type_Id": "6",
"Type": "Website",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "http://www.abcdef.org.uk/"
"-Type_Id": "4",
"Type": "Constituency",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "True",
"Phone": "123 456 7890",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"-Type_Id": "1",
"Type": "Parliamentary",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "True",
"Address1": "House of Commons",
"Address5": "London",
"Postcode": "SW1A 0AA",
"Phone": "123 456 7890",
"Fax": "987 654 3210",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"-Type_Id": "7",
"Type": "Twitter",
"IsPreferred": "False",
"IsPhysical": "False",
"Address1": "https://twitter.com/qwerty"
I have found a solution based on Jumshud's answer that works on all three data examples above.
Once I loaded it (of course) with jsondata = JSON.stringify(mydata); // added this because data was coming from php call and it didn't work without it jsondata = JSON.parse(jsondata);
I adapted Jumshud suggestio to be: const hasConstituencyAdrs = jsondata.Members.Member.Addresses.Address.some(address => address.Type === 'Constituency' && address.Postcode && address.Postcode.length > 0);
Which returns true if it has a address key with type=constituency and it also has a postcode key and if the postcode key has a length greater than 0. This returns a true/false which I can now use.
Thanks to everyone for your answers - I've been struggling for 2 days with this and you helped me solve in in under an hour.