
I have a standalone Python application.
The python process is not using any framework. And is a simple standalone python process.
This has been successfully integrated with Elastic APM (+ElasticSearch +Kibana) for capturing telemetries.

Python version: 3.7
elastic-apm python agent: 5.8.0
Elastic Search, APM and Kibana Version: 7.7.1

As mentioned in the official doc, I have used the following statements to start capturing metrics from my python process

client = elasticapm.Client(service_name="MY_SERVICE",service_node_name="MY_SERVICE_NODE",server_url="=http:///apm-server:8200",recording="true",environment="PROD")

But on Kibana, I am able to see only the following 3 system metrics (under 2 visualizations):

  1. Host's CPU Usage in percentage
  2. Process specific CPU Usage in percentage
  3. Host's Memory Usage in percentage

As per the python code analysis, as well as per what I have read. Elastic APM Agent collects other process related metrics like:

  1. Memory used by Process
  2. Process uptime

These I am unable to see on the Kibana - APM - Metrics Visualization

Refer the screenshot Refer the screenshot

Additionally, I expect the Elastic APM Python agent to collect other informations like:

  1. Process's thread level CPU Usage
  2. Number of threads in process
  3. Garbage collection stats
  4. IO Stats

Which are already available for Elastic APM Java agent.

Refer the screenshot

Refer the screenshot

Need help in understanding, whether these process related metrics are available in Kibana - APM or not?

If available, how to enable the visualization?


1 Answers
