I've made a normal dll (not a MFC dll) and I use there CImage Class (MFC) and it works great. First of all I dont have lot of experience in dlls, so I wonder how my dll works if i didn't used the "MFC Dll" option, and whats the difference between the two options.
My second question is if the fact that I am using the CImage class (MFC) can make problems if I run my dll on some other computers with windows operation system or there will be no problem running it on every computer with windows operation system?
I think that if I am using the CImage class my dll's size will grow due to the additional classes that is being added (by the way, it adds all the MFC classes or only the CImage one?) and therefore I don't relay on the computer that run my dll, but I am not sure at all.
Thank you for the time and the help!