We're using a Durable Orchestrator Function that needs to make several million calls to Activity functions. We're seeing the following exception after 100,000 invocations:
Maximum amount of orchestration actions 100,000 has been reached. This value can be configured in host.json file as MaxOrchestrationActions.
However, I cannot find HOW to set this value.
In the host.json schema here, it's not specified.
I've pulled the head of the dev branch for Azure Function Durable Extension and traced through the source code. It appears that this can be set as DurableTaskOptions.MaxOrchestrationActions, but it must be set before it's passed into the DurableOrchestrationContext class.
We've taken a guess that the property in host.json might be
"extensions": {
... other settings omitted for brevity ...
"durableTask": {
"MaxOrchestrationActions": xxxx
But had no luck.
Does anyone have guidance on how to set MaxOrchestrationActions?
Update My problem was that I was using an older version of the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask framework. Once I updated to 2.1.1, it worked as expected.
I have reported the lack of documentation of maxOrchestrationActions to the Microsoft Doc team, and they're making an update to the documentation.