
I am working on Azure DevOps YAML pipeline, I am not sure whether we can use single agents through out the pipeline. I have multiple jobs/stages - Build, Deploy, Post-Deploy, and want to assing that to a single agent, because it is consuming same artifacts. Is there a way to assign a single agents through the pipeline.

Thanks in advance.

Are you talking about specifically using the same agent for each individual stage, same pool, or same agent throughout all the jobs in a given stage?DreadedFrost
Yes I am talking about using same agent for multiple stages/jobsAbhishek Anvekar
@Abhishek Anvekar Not get your latest information, is the workaround helpful for you? Or if you have any concern, feel free to share it here.Hugh Lin

3 Answers


Yes, you can define a specific agent on YAML.

E.g: pool: name: AgentPoolName demands: - agent.name -equals AgentName



I dont want the agent to do checkout operation everytime for new job

Using the checkout keyword to configure or suppress this behavior.

- checkout: none

You can refer to this official document for details.


If you cannot use a specif agent as @Savio Moreira suggested the only option that I found is to duplicate some steps.

In my case have a similar pipeline with 2 stage:

  • Build (To validate PR)
    • Visual Studio build
    • Visual Studio Test
    • VS test
  • Publish (To publish the Artifact after merge into master)
    • Visual Studio build
    • Copy file
    • Publish build artifacts

The Build part is trigger only when a PR is created using a condition in the YAML Stage and Enable Branch policies. The Publish part is trigger only when there is merge into master.

It's a bit annoying that some steps need to be duplicated but the execution is unique, and with the same pipeline I can execute validation before merge and then create the artifact once the code is into master.

The checkout option doesn't help since in my case each stage is executed on a completely different container.