
I generated a bot with yo teams, created the bot registration on Azure and then attempted to deploy it using Azure App Service extension.

The deployment fails with:

2:15:38 p.m. ktsbot: Updating iisnode.yml at D:\home\site\wwwroot\dist\iisnode.yml 2:15:38 p.m. ktsbot: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\dist\iisnode.yml' 2:15:38 p.m. ktsbot: An error has occurred during web site deployment. 2:15:38 p.m. ktsbot: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\dist\iisnode.yml'\r\nD:\Program Files (x86)\SiteExtensions\Kudu\87.20522.4610\bin\Scripts\starter.cmd deploy.cmd 2:15:46 p.m. ktsbot: Deployment failed.

In the console I cd to wwwroot and the "\dist" directory does not exist. iisnode.yml is in the wwwroot directory.

I am at a loss - thanks for your help in advance.

Has your problem been solved?Jason Pan

1 Answers


You can create dist folder by kudu.

According to the error message, the file or folder was not found, you can create it first, create the dist folder under the wwwroot path, and copy the iisnode.yml file in the dist folder to proceed to the next step.

In the webapp service, wwwroot is the root directory. Your problem appears, it should be that the distribution file configuration is not completely configured, and the default distribution operation will not create the dist folder.